Mondraim Books



Smartphones and Tablets Repairs is on sale at, Kobo Writing Life, eBay, and lots of online and local retail stores worldwide. It has sold thousands of copies and helped a lot of young people set up Standard tech-support centers worldwide. READ CUSTOMER REVIEWS

If you are looking for an aggregated, complete teaching or instructional step-by-step guide to mobile phone repairs, this book is all you need.

If you want to go out any day without a dime in your pocket BUT return home every evening with a pocket full of money gotten in exchange for your “know-how” in mobile phone technical service, this book is for you. It teaches enduring skills, techniques, and a sound knowledge base to stay on the job, grow a business, and stay relevant as a distinguished technician!

Not everyone owns a laptop or desktop, and not everyone owns a mobile phone at the moment. But you will agree that more people already own and will own a mobile device in the future than a PC. Therefore a good mobile phone technician has a brighter and faster earning potential than a PC technician.





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